Options for women considering breast prosthesis after surgery have improved vastly in recent years, with a wide variety of post-mastectomy supplies available. Depending on your lifestyle, preferences, and choices, a breast prosthesis can be a very individual decision, so it’s worth looking at all the varieties on offer, to decide what is most comfortable for you.
Why choose a breast prosthesis?
A growing number of women choose to wear breast prostheses after surgery, for both long and short-term reasons.
Immediately after surgery, a prosthesis can provide comfort with both the healing process and help improve spinal support, relieve back pain and postural issues. Breast forms made out of soft foam or textile have little weight and are ideal during the recovery period.
Forms for every stage after recovery
After an adequate healing stage of approximately four to six weeks, silicone breast forms, which are weighted to match the shape and form of a natural breast, can be another option to consider. Molded perma forms, with a permanent breast form sewn into a bra or top, can also be a comfortable alternative, as they retain a great shape, without having as much weight as a silicone form.
It’s helpful to consider the advice given after your surgery when choosing a breast prosthesis, as you may be recommended to avoid some types for a while, while your skin fully heals and recovers.
For women who choose not to, or cannot have permanent reconstruction, breast prostheses can continue to provide an effective and supportive option.
Choosing the right breast prosthesis – what to consider

With a growing range of options available, it’s easier than ever to select breast prostheses that fit around your lifestyle, rather than the other way around.
You may find that it’s much easier to have a range of different clothing and other post-mastectomy supplies for you to pick from post-mastectomy, to give you more flexibility and comfort during your daily activities.
Work around your lifestyle
When choosing, useful factors to consider are your levels of activity, personal style, and any other physical issues. Silicone breast forms are a great way of enhancing shape, improving posture and feeling more comfortable overall, while specially designed athletic wear, created to enhance comfort and support, may be more suitable for more active periods.
Check for comfort
Comfort should be a key point to consider when making your choice, as different forms will all have variable levels of ease of use, weight, and versatility. Attachable forms, which are fixed directly to the skin, are often a popular choice for people with active lifestyles, as well as those who would like extra back support – because they are attached directly, they require a less supportive bra.