The Montecristo trademark is well-known around the world. Established in 1935, this luxury brand is a Cuban-based cigar that is now crafted by skilled craftsman in the Dominican Republic. It stands up to its tradition as one of the finest cigars out there. Not only are Montecristo cigars reputable, they are known for their superior taste, high quality, and affordable price.
The Aroma and Taste of Montecristo Cigars
The Connecticut shade wrappers, and Dominican binders and fillers are all hand-selected. Craftsmen construct these cigars with care and skill. High quality construction gives the Montecristo cigars it’s luxury standing. You can savor the experience of the Montecristo and enjoy the sweet aroma of these full-bodied cigars.
The cigar lines range from a lighter-bodied line to a more robust cigar that is larger in size. There are a variety of choices like the Montecristo Classic Yellow Cigars, which are medium bodied cigars with a rich aroma and smooth. Then there is the Montecristo White Label Cigars for a rich and creamy smoke. They are all well constructed, staying true to the Montecristo name. According to cigar aficionados, the Montecristo No. 4 is a great choice for beginners who are new to smoking cigars. There is also the Montecristo No.2, which is the gold standard when it comes to high quality cigars. The brand also manufactures three machine-made cigarillos called the Club, the Mini, and the Purito.
In terms of size, the Montecristo brand started with only five sizes but has grown to a large array of sizes and product types. Some of the brand lines include:
1. Hand-made Vitolas
2. The Open Series
3. Edicion Limitada Releases
4. Edicion Regional Releases
5. Special Releases
Reviews on MontecristoCigars
Want to know what people think about these cigars? Here are some customer reviews from our website:
1. “This is my favorite cigar. More than medium but less than rich taste. I have access to Cuban cigars living overseas (APO-AE) but I prefer this cigar to all others I’ve tried.”
2. “Montecristo’s are one of the finest cigars on the market…”
3. “The tube keeps these Montecristos fresh even in the humidor. They are some of the smoothest smoking cigars I’ve had for under $7 each. Good deal and they are super smooth and nice.”
When it comes to luxury, the Montecristo brand sets the standard for luxury, quality, and smoking experience. The brand’shighly regarded reputation is well worth it. When it comes to the smoking experience of this cigar, the consensus is that it is one of the finest cigars, both rich in flavor and aroma.
Get to know more about the Montecristo line of cigars here.